#   NO DONATIONS, NO PAY 2 WIN, no don-exclusive items, IRL gifts or any other kind of b*sht effecting the game.
#   Experience gain ON/OFF function. Use voice commands .expoff and .expon to enable them. Available from level 15.
#   Vote Manager and reward system with multiple sites.
#   Champion mobs feature. Aura change at level 60.
#   Mana drug with 5 seconds delay, accessible via Medal Event that all mobs drop. (300 mana per drug)
#   !Shout and +Trade chats are global, available from level 15.
#   Offline shops, available from level 20. To set up offline shop use voice command .offline or simply exit the game.
#   Teleport is free for Newbie characters till level 39.
#   Scheme full buffer in major towns, available from level 25.
Adventurers Guide for newbies located in: Dion, Oren, Giran.
#   Shift + click on monsters to see the droplist.
#   Wight limit x2.
#   Auto-reward every hour for being online.
#   Tons of Classic Events with meaningful rewards.
#   Oly, TW sieges and most common features - automated.
#   Gold bar currency exchange system. NPC in Town of Giran, as well as banking voice commands: .deposit and .withdraw.
#   Wide range of beautiful accessories, with Try On option!
#   +20 inventory slots. Mainly reserved to cover all needs for any special/custom Event drops..
#   4 windows are maximum allowed. Main + 3 boxes.
#   NO BOTS. We're committed to provide an authentic gaming experience free from interference of bots.
#   Class Manager in Town of Gludin, with 1st and 2nd class obtainable. (Please note: the service is pricy, it’s not meant to be for the first main Novice character,
its intentions are for easier box making at later stages, when adena farming is on high levels or Clan sponsorship.)
#   Ghost Crystal - a special item symbolising our server that all monsters drop. Used in-game as side currency
for several very special goods that only Crystals buy.
#   Running special Events and ever changing along the seasons.
#   Blessed Enchant Scroll has a slightly better chance of success.
#   Wedding Manager is located in Giran's Einhasad Temple.
#   In-game Repair Tool. Use voice command .repair to fix problems with your other characters on stucked situations
(like client crashing when logging in etc).
#   Server's local time: UTC+2:00 (Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius)
*  Vote:   you will find a list of voting links on our website bottom section of the page on
the left side. Each time you vote, it's automatically recorded and for that particular vote and website you can get rewarded at NPC. There are 8
sites in total to vote on. Voters can abtain their Voters Chest at Ghost Trader Balthezar in Town of Giran. Inside the chest lies a very special
token, it will reward your effort with x1.4 (40%) boost to your basic rates: xp/sp/drop/spoil/sealStone for 12 hours as long as you carry it in
your inventory.
*   Connect:   accounts are auto-created, simply download the system patch and do the usual procedure...
place it into your L2 root folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Lineage II\). Download Ghost updater, place it inside same root folder and run full check
before your first launch. There is also a README file with detailed instructions.