About us
We - a few old Lineage 2 fans, created this server for relaxed,
nostalgic fun, total freedom from ANY kind of Donations, donation-exclusive items, Pay to Win or any other unfair game interuptions that so many "servers"
claim to have, but in reallity they don't.
We keep the server costs covered from our own pocket purely by our love to this beautiful, epic game.
This is not a commercial project in no shape or form. No "real-life" gm shops or other outside resources, gift cards, etc b*sht. Mostly standard retail-like features with few extra events and
bits here and there that we ourselves have liked as players over the years in the past. Hopefully most will find something for their heart as well, as it's universally
impossible to satisfy everyone's taste. We always loved to keep it as close to retail as we can.
We would like to think of it as a long term project, as we don't have
any financial burdens that would make the server fade, or shut down and rebrand within weeks. We have full-time jobs/businesses/careers, and the server is running
independantly in the background of our daily lives. And will run for as long as there's some community of passionate players.
Have fun and enjoy your stay!
Developed by:  Rock76